Source Themes

A Statistical Equilibrium Approach to Adam Smith’s Labor Theory of Value

Adam Smith’s inquiry into the emergence and stability of the self-organization of the division of labor in commodity exchange is considered using statistical equilibrium methods from statistical physics. We develop a statistical equilibrium model of …

Accumulation, Profit Rate, And Financialization In Brazil, 2000-2016

This paper investigates the economic dynamics of Brazil in the 2000-2016 period, based on the profit rate and its determinants (technology, distribution,and demand), linking it with the financialization of the economy. Between 2003 …

Back to the Classics: R-Evolution Towards Statistical Equilibria

Economic modeling struggles often with a lack of realism. The reason for that is that economic theory for the last 100 years has focused on simplifying assumptions which reduced important aspects of the economic reality. Concentrating on fix-point …

Statement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence

Statement of Research

Teaching sample: Intermediate Macroeconomics

Teaching sample: Marxian Economics

Teaching sample: Probability and Statistical Inference

Teaching Statement

Trabalho e dinheiro: a teoria monetária marxista e o dinheiro de crédito

O presente trabalho discute a teoria monetária de Marx frente aos desenvolvimentos do capitalismo do século XXI. Defendemos que o dinheiro é uma mercadoria mesmo no capitalismo moderno porque mercadoria é uma forma social, portanto, o dinheiro tem …